February 25, 2009

Fifty degrees F-ebruary

The good part about winter is that after a couple weeks of below-freezing temperatures, a day that starts out at 35 degrees (F) feels like sum-summa' time. The sun is shining, my nose is running... I couldn't help but bike today. Halfway down the road I realized I forgot my helmet which made me nervous. I headed straight for the pharmacy, retrieved some more cough medicine, then continued on to work. I also brought some coffee of which I had deprived myself for the past two days. Either the medicine or the coffee is giving me a super tingly buzz right now. The sun is still out and temperature should reach nearly 50 degrees today! Like straight sizzlin up in here. Too hot to handle. I can't wait to bike home, despite the fact that my head is a cloud and breathing between coughs is such a chore.
Work is getting hectic and I feel like I've been taking on some more responsibility for the company... but I'd still rather think about bikes.
Here's a cool interview with a guy who just started getting into alley cat (bike) racing. A pleasant perspective from a rookie: Interview

February 24, 2009

Nature Life

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.
Zeno, from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosopher
Greek philosopher (335 BC - 264 BC)
At first I was satisfied by the perfect simplicity of this quote. The more I think about it as a literal, absolute truth, the more hopeless it seems for humans to attain such a goal. For probably as long as humans have been able to do more than just survive (i.e. be productive, be thoughtful, do work, profit, and be leisurely), the direction has been away from nature, or at least to capitalize on it, which to me seems to be in direct conflict, not agreement. Unless it is to agree to disagree.

Sure, like any other species, we choose to be efficient and productive and as long as we survive, we are selected and make offspring. But if we would like to credit nature with inspiring industrialism, it would be the opposite of what Zeno was thinking: sterile environments, box houses, automobiles, mass production--things that make our lives easier and more un-natural. What this has done is put us at the top of the food chain for now--which is evolutionary success, maybe. Unless we find out all our anti-bacterial soap really is creating a resistant super-bacteria that ends up extinguishing the prolific human species! Daaaaaag.

Maybe Zeno is being more hopeful though (and not so literal): the goal of a human's life should be living to maximize harmony with nature. The goal of life is to be a part of it. Get connected.

February 23, 2009

Long cold winter

Old Man Winter has dealt what is hopefully his final blow to severely cripple the hope I had buried so deep within, that was keeping my mind off the miserable weather and looking toward the Spring. I think I'm finally sick, post-nasal drip and all... I've been fighting back with Airborn, Ricolas, honey water, and... beer and coffee. Damn! I've become my own enemy. I guess it's time to get serious to fend off this curse...
Meanwhile, temperatures only seem to be dropping. I'm trying to decide if I should drop serious coin on some intense winter mitts.

Oh, and I've elected to take this opportunity to send fervent praise to the universe regarding a series of podcasts for a program called "Uhh Yeah Dude." UYD might be the funniest program I've ever heard in my life. Two guys in L.A. Expect a bounty of explicit content. I linked up their website, though I've not really looked at it completely. I suggest checking out the podcasts available on iTunes for sure though.

February 22, 2009

thanks zane

for the hookup on the front brake lever - now i won't die

February 20, 2009

February 19, 2009

test 1! 2! 3!

i'm testing out the ability to email a post directly into the very blog that you are enjoying currently...

i'm having a lot of trouble concentrating on work, i keep thinking today is Friday (it's Thursday), and i really wish the 40-degree-North latitude was warm and without precipitation and that i was riding my bike

February 18, 2009

"It's not about the bike."

"It's not about the bike."
I'm not sure why this phrase struck me yesterday on my way to my final bike maintenance class, but it did, and I repeated it over and over in my head during that drive. I can't remember where I first read those words, but they will hopefully stick with me--especially after spending so much time obsessing about my Fuji conversion and, most recently, my new Iro. I've spent countless time on internet message boards, Craigslist, and Ebay, as well as in shops and with my head in magazines and books. I'm sure when I'm not craving an upgrade of one component or another, I'll be figuring out how to fix or maintain something else, sending me back to the computer or a manual. Hopefully for now, the only thing to anticipate is regular cleaning and the one thing to look forward to is riding. "It's not about the bike."
C has made it clear she's exhausted by the obsession I fostered this winter. Maybe it has all just been a symptom of the season; this spring I hope to come out with full force, on the streets and on the bike trails. It won't be hard to remember it's not about the bike. I spent the winter inside, and have ended up with a perfect bike. I'll try not to baby it too much--"it's not about the bike"--but want to keep it in proper condition.
Last night I finished installing my front brake and re-taped the handlebars of the Iro which has gotten me excited to ride. Unfortunately today's weather is crap, and as my Brooks hasn't been treated, I rode the Fuji. Despite that fact, it was a great ride, after a month of driving.
So, sorry C, for my self-centered obsession. I think you understand I've been trying to learn and absorb all I can; I've been trying to make informed decisions; and hopefully the time hasn't detracted too much from home life, right? I love you more than any bike, and really appreciate your support and patience for this growing passion of mine.

[Update: Ohhhhhh--I guess that's the title of the Lance Armstrong book which was featured in the movie You, Me, and Dupree which was on TV recently. haha. (What is Carlness? It's your name with "-ness" at the end of it...) So, I'll assume the phrase was interpreted differently from Lance's perspective, oh well...]

February 15, 2009


new bike!
trip to the pet store! c is beautiful even when she's sick
cleaning broken glass on the bike path! this is one of a bunch of broken bottles on the bike path within a quarter mile of each other. punk kids need to get schooled

February 13, 2009

Bought it

C was raggin on me after I caved last night and bought the IRO Mark V that was posted for sale on Craigslist. If you remember (like she did), just days ago I listed this particular bike as one of the things for which I was yearning but admitted I didn't need, so wouldn't buy... Oh well.
I talked the guy down $50, which ended up being $100 less than his original posting. If I didn't get a steal, I at least got what I paid for which is great news--it's a nice bike. I'll try to get some photos up soon. I was disappointed there is no IRO head badge on the steering tube (front). I wrote am email to Iro Cycle asking about buying one and they said they would send me one today for free. Raaaaaaad
I'm left wondering what to do with my fixed Fuji... C is pretty resistant to adopting it as her primary bike. Oh well. I'll find a good home. J?

February 11, 2009

"Your Burpee Order has shipped"

Here are the items that were partially or fully shipped:
Item Id Item name Original Qty Delivered Qty Remaining Qty
53439A TOMATO VIVA ITALIA HYBRID 1.00 1.00 0.00
63726A TOMATO FRESH SALSA 1.00 1.00 0.00
54833A SQUASH SUNRAY HYBRID 1.00 1.00 0.00
67017A SPINACH SALAD FRESH 1.00 1.00 0.00
54734A SWISS CHARD BRIGHT LIGHTS 1.00 1.00 0.00
63655A PEPPER MARIACHI HYBRID 1.00 1.00 0.00
63750A LETTUCE EZ SERVE 1.00 1.00 0.00
54916A HERB THYME CREEPING 1.00 1.00 0.00
54858A SQUASH BORN FREE HYBRID 1.00 1.00 0.00
53397A SQUASH WALTHAM BUTTERNUT 1.00 1.00 0.00
99004 SEA MAGIC 1.00 1.00 0.00
41310A ZINNIA PURPLE PRINCE 1.00 1.00 0.00

February 10, 2009

Only One Manda: The Best Things In Life Are Free [David's abridged version: the remix: volume 1]

Amanda (Only One Manda):
...First of all, we're (and by "we," I mean middle class students in the United States) made to believe that having a degree is a good and useful thing. It is when the economy is good, but when the economy is looking like Germany right around the time when people were using deutschmarks as wallpaper, it's not quite so useful. Knowing a trade is useful. Because there's a market for it.

I'm pretty sure that there isn't a job market for 20 somethings with BA's in religion and MA's in Theological Studies and no experience doing anything. I'm not sure what I thought would happen, but I'm pretty sure I thought that any kind of a Master's Degree would at least ensure that I wasn't going to be living well UNDER the poverty level. That's weird, isn't it?...

I've been working my little ass off in Maryland, here. Two jobs. The usual. Then, poof, one of the jobs couldn't afford me anymore. They felt really bad about it, but I had to go. That's fine...

Some people aren't as lucky as I am, though. I wonder what's going to happen to them as we lose more jobs. I wonder what's going to happen to us as more and more qualified and eager workers can't find work because there simply isn't any to be found? I wonder what's going to happen to families with children to feed. To people who don't have the familial resources needed in times like these.

I have to hope that we'll be able to pull ourselves out of this awfulness as a country. As a collective of human souls who have each other's best interests at heart.

I hope we're going to be willing to take a cut in hours or forego a raise so that we can ALL keep our jobs. Not just some of us. Not just the lucky ones. ALL of us. A-L-L.

Think about that in the upcoming years. What are you doing to take care of your fellow human beings? What are you doing to usher in a time of concern for each other? Of common human decency?

Even though it might seem like it, now is not the best time to have an "every-man-for-himself" mentality. That's the kind of thing that kills us.

The empowering potential of the human spirit, I might argue, is the very BEST thing in life...

Last night I was watching the news and the report was about how a bunch of police recruits who have just completed all their training were being blocked from the police force due to city budget cuts. The report went on to say that a dozen recreational centers around the city are closing due to budget cuts. Here is my first thought: kids from homes or families that will potentially be broken by the economy are losing places to go play, socialize, and be safe, and instead are turned to the streets that have no police force to offer safety. Now, my cynical side argues that a police force could be corrupt or useless or whatever, that citizens should band together to protect themselves, and that the streets should fundamentally be just as safe. Is that the case? I don't know, but doubt it. Then again, I'm pretty insulated in a middle-class suburb that is likely going to keep its Rec Center.

I hope city budgets get fixed so that we're putting money into education and recreation--but where does that money come from? I have no clue... Maybe people should start paying for their trash services around here...

February 9, 2009


Sunday afternoon the furnace that heats our home tapped out. Not completely, but the ignitor got snuffed out. What that means is our house was 43 degrees this morning and has only been able to heat up to 55 degrees this afternoon. On a normal winter day, we'd set the heat to 69 when we're awake and 59 when we're at work or asleep. It has me given me perspective about how much energy we use to be comfortable--and how little insulation this house has.
We've got plans to cook stuff all night, to keep the stove running, to try to heat up that way (and by "we," I mean "C"). I borrowed a space heater from work, and we've taken turns hanging out in front of it. I mean, we're not so desperate - our water heater works, we have lots of clothes and blankets, but it's so inconvenient.
After one more night enduring such meager hardships, the repair-person will return with the correct part and fix it.
In other news, I really want to buy an IRO (bike) that's for sale for a really good price in my town... Gonna go check it out later this week if it's still available. Trying to not get my hopes up. If I DO buy it, I'll be selling my bike soon. Heh. Stay warm

February 6, 2009

February 5, 2009

Saves the Day - Through Being Cool

Great GREAT album.
"Best song?" you ask.
"You Vandal" I reply without hesitation.
(Crap, then I remember "Do You Know What I Love The Most")
If anyone has this album, please send me a copy. I lost mine a long time ago

Through Being Cool on IMEEM

You Vandal:
Last night I dreamt you called from Costa Rica
The place you've been for the last two weeks
You said, "I miss you, oh sweet boy," and "Will you come on down?"
I woke up to my cold sheets and the smell of New Jersey
When do I get to wake up to you?
Today I can't forget that I've got these open wounds
It's such a drag
I can't forget you've gone
My ribs have parted ways
They said, "We're not going to protect this heart you have."
Oh no, what can I do?
My lungs are breathing open air
And my spleen is dripping from my pants
You've left me here in the cold
And I miss you
You never told me it would be this hard
I think my body's saying so
When you're not here, it's leaving me
But I hope that you're o.k.
Even though I'm dying
I hope that you're still trying to have a killer time
Go see the volcanoes
Go see the rainforests
I'll be fine by myself
I'll be fine without these bones.

February 4, 2009

Mixed up

Got dressed up today. I look and feel dandy. It feels good to look sharp but I'm glad this is voluntary - not a daily, mandatory dress-code.

Started a second blog on Tumbler. We'll see how it goes. The address: dstr.tumblr.com

I hope it will host personal photos exclusively--though I have yet to download a single photo from our new camera... Oh well. I like the format better than Flickr, though Flickr is probably a better organizing tool... I just don't like Yahoo. Conflict.

Currently resisting the urge to spend money on stuff I don't need. Saw some Carhartt jeans on sale. Velo Cult bike shop just posted some handprinted shirts. Dag. I don't need 'em. A local guy is selling his IRO (fixed gear bike), but I don't NEED it.

Went to the first bike maintenance class last night; pretty cool. Next week we will take apart our bikes and do some work. I was overwhelmed with the variation among bikes. I felt pretty dumb, but am anxious to learn more. It made me want to really know a lot about bikes.

February 3, 2009

Too Fixed, Too Furious: fixed gear is the new drift car

Checking out the "bike photo thread" over at Trick Track online forums I confirmed an earlier suspicion: many people getting into fixed gears were (or still are) into race cars, drift cars, car kits, and the like. Check out this link (LINK!) and follow the conversation down toward the bottom of the page to see what I mean.

"Pimping" a bike (to steal a term from MTV's "Pimp My Ride") with expensive, shiny, anodized parts and riding it in a cautiously reckless manner around a parking lot is hardly different than car club culture. I mean, "drifting" and "skidding" are literally the same thing. What might be a fortunate outcome is that this new coolness could hasten the extinction of car-envy by providing a similarly testosterone-filled, but less-polluting substitute. But I guess what the forum above proves is that drift cars are no less cool to this faction of track-tricksters despite the prevailing stereotype that all cyclists are anti-automobile.

February 2, 2009

Reflections on Success/ The kids are alright

Over the weekend, I was speculating on whether I suffer from a fatal case of poor work ethic or just a temporary lack of inspiration by the options for work I see available to me. C, Amanda, Andy, and I had a discussion about "success" and, if I recall correctly, we had basically narrowed the definition down to making money by over-working. So, by being on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you can be "a success," I guess, says the guy on-call 24 hours a day. This indicates that success comes in direct conflict with building or strengthening relationships. Granted, there are trade-offs and compromise with everything. I can only be so dedicated to skateboarding or tattoos or bikes, because I have time I want to give time to C and Alden and the rest of my family and--uggh--work. C and I have been reflecting on the importance of money lately. I just can't find enjoyment in working a job that is not relevant to my life--spending 8 hours each day of the work week away from home, not doing a thing for myself or my family, except making money. What if I was devoting some of that (day-) time to a large garden, keeping it fertilized, well-watered, properly trimmed and harvested, free of weeds, AND producing year round?!

Even still, accumulating money seems to promise an indefinite (but probably unattainable) amount of satisfaction and the alternative seems very precarious--with happiness no more certain. I'm trying to figure out how to raise a family and give a kid everything I had and more: a daunting task.

[UPDATE: After receiving a few responses about the post above I realize I need to clear one (major) thing up that is less clear than I intended. The definition of success I referred to is not OUR personal vision of success, but it is our perspective of mainstream society's vision of success--which is coming at us from many different angles, including one guy Andy met who was constantly on his phone and who said something about being on it 24 hours a day to get where he was. I don't envy that type of "hard work." The whole post had come about because I don't know how to define success--will it be money I make or save? Will it be maximizing time spent at home, with family, and doing great things for my home and family? Probably the latter, or something similar to it. But more and more I am feeling like I need to solidify my definition of it so I can move in a new direction perhaps. I understand about balancing, compromise, and sacrifice--but I know there has to be a better way where we redefine success, place more value in home & family over careers. I guess I'm literally talking about "doing" versus "spending". You can work a job to make money to buy food (= spending)...or you can grow food (= doing). Then you don't need that amount of money, right?]