September 30, 2009


Hopefully you don't mind all the music I've been posting. Not too many new thoughts, just enjoying the sounds. Here's a blast from the past: The Anniversary. Saw them a bunch when I was in high school. Really struck my heart strings back then. And now too, I guess. Hopefully you have access to this, if not I recommend signing up for an Imeem account. Damn. "D in Detroit" is my jam. All of these tracks are good. And what about that breakdown in "Perfectly"?

Designing A Nervous Breakdown
Lately I've been listening to the radio, especially the local "alternative" music station. I've been hearing stuff like old Pearl Jam and Nirvana. Stuff like that brings me back to when I was around 13 years old and starting to carve an identity for myself. Finding music, experimenting with what I was wearing (as lame as that sounds it was part of my evolving identity and a way to press my limits, etc). Skateboarding. Trying new things. I feel like that was the purest time in my life. It was hard, no doubt; confusing. But damn if I didn't learn so much about myself and the world, open new doors and all that. At the same time, I didn't have much of a care in the world. It's always fun to re-live good times.

September 29, 2009

wild things

i haven't checked this out much yet, but i suspect it will be pretty good. all done by karen o of the yeahyeahyeahs...

Where the Wild Things Are Soundtrack

September 25, 2009

Work, waiting

At work, wishing I wasn't.

The day started off pretty stupid. I probably made record time biking the 1.5 miles to the office - it had to be well under 7 minutes. I pulled into the parking lot and was pumped to realize I was the first of the 3 of our staff to arrive and that it was before 8:30 am. I immediately realized I didn't have my keys (which occasionally happens when I don't drive). I decided to wait it out because my co-worker is usually there by 8:30, if not 8:00, if not 7:00. Seriously. Overachiever. Every minute I waited I felt like I had waited too long and my co-worker would arrive and that rushing home would just be a waste of time.

Long story short, I sat outside our office for 30, maybe 40 minutes, before my co-worker arrived just as I was opening my phone to call my boss on his cell. I could've biked home (and back) at least twice. What was more frustrating was my boss showed up exactly 2 minutes after she did.

In that time I was waiting I was just paralyzed. I was furious. Not sure how I'll handle it next time. I don't do well with uncertainty. But maybe I'll just bike home anyway, get the extra workout, the extra miles, and be late for work. F it.
A guy (Jon) who I met in Columbus invited me on a group (bike) ride/camping trip to Yellow Springs from Columbus. Apparently a 65-mile trip (one way). I really want to go but woke up this morning freaking out that I probably can't make it. Like, can't physically do it. It's in 3 weeks and if I could possibly do a 20-mile ride this weekend and a 40-mile ride the following weekend... then maybe. But the chances of making time to even do those training rides is low to zero. Jon suggested I come out for one of the weekly Monday Night Rides and that we could do 20-40 miles in a group, but they get together so late... Technically we have all day to do it... Grrrrrr. I've put myself down to go, along with 4 other confirmed riders according to the event's Facebook page...
More later...

September 23, 2009


A waist is a terrible thing to mind. -Jane Caminos

September 22, 2009

End of summer

 Vacation was great. Myrtle Beach. Lots of rest and relaxation. Lots of Yuengling. Too much maybe. Also, lots of coffee. It was a great time hanging out with my mom and her fiance and my sister and her husband. Highlights (in no particular order): getting in the ocean, horseback riding, Ripley's Aquarium (touching stingrays), fish tacos at Gordon Biersch, seeing a shark and sea turtle off the pier, Margaritaville, Le Grande Cirque and an old guy with a fart machine (no joke), lots of sleeping, and Yuengling and a Fat Tire.
Unfortunately, the one kale seedling I had growing in our house perished in the sun without water. I need to search for some transplants. And our mint plant suffered some drought but looks like it will pull through.
Oh yeah, and today is the end of summer. I guess. The autumnal equinox. Today, day and night are of equal length, supposedly, meaning from here on until the winter solstice, the length of daylight will be shorter and shorter. Temperatures will be getting colder. What a bummer. But I guess the seasons are a good thing and I still like Ohio. And pumpkin beer. Might need to have another Pumpkin Party.

One goal for the new season is to go apple picking. Maybe. Not sure why. I've just never done it.

September 17, 2009

September 12, 2009


Getting ready to drive to an undisclosed location near a large body of water for an unspecified amount of time. I could be back at any moment, so don't brake into my house. You can, however, go pick tomatoes or water the lettuce that is trying to grow in the back yard.

A few things before we depart:

- Chances are good I'll post at least once before we return to the sanctuary that is our home. We'll have our computer and I plan on periodically checking my Ebay account--though not obsessively.

- It's unlikely that my respite will result in a void in your life. But if it does, check out this entry in the Kanye West blog: Jay - Z feat. Aziz Ansari and Kanye West - Hate (DJ Aziz Ansari EXCLUSIVE).. Hi-larious. Aziz is the Indian actor currently starring in the NBC comedy, Parks & Rec. Apparently he also makes a good hype man. (If you can't figure it out, I am asking you to play the song posted up at the bottom of the entry.) Enjoy.

- I'll miss two things this week: our dog and riding my bike.

- Shit. I thought there was something else to share. I guess not.

September 11, 2009

Bike racks

So recently I've decided to up the utility of my road bike and bought a cargo rack for the rear to hold some stuff, especially some bags that might carry extra groceries in the near future. I was pretty pumped after installing it.

I had been researching racks all over the internet to see what was available and what people were recommending. I wasn't super impressed with selections and it seems like no one really cares to talk about the racks they prefer. So I just bought what the local shop owner suggested--an economical rack without any fluff. $29.

While at the shop I noticed a tiny chrome rack that was apparently for the front of a bike made by Nitto--who makes some notable racks. $49 was written on the bag. The next day I was curious to research the particular rack only to realize that not only was this rack--the Nitto Mark's (mini) rack--out of stock at the few places where it is normally sold, but in one place it was going for $139. Bam! Anyway, I went back to check if it was the same thing and it was, so I bought it. Bam! It's on my bike now.

So, in one week I installed two racks on my bike. Let's haul some stuff.

September 10, 2009

Wild Things, Gonz

"The Gonz never ceases to amaze. His entire existence is an ode to human beings’ limitless potential to create their own fun."

That quote, and the video preceeding it, was nabbed from this website: we love you so - where the wild things are

this is the info about the site:
In October 2009 Spike Jonze’s feature film rendition of Maurice Sendak’s classic story Where The Wild Things Are will hit movie theaters worldwide. The film represents years of work from hundreds of different artists, writers, photographers, musicians, actors, and creators of all degrees. This place has been established to help shed some light on many of the small influences that have converged to make this massive project a reality.

Simply put, this a place to learn about things we think are great and to share with you the things those things helped make. Wild Things indeed… And also probably a lot of other randoms things that catch our eye along the way.

We hope you like it.

We love you so.

maybe you will be as surprised as me to see how many posts are about skateboarding

campbell, surf, film, art

Speaking of Thomas Campbell, I inspired myself to check up on his website and found a link to his other website: the official website for the surf films of thomas campbell (a.k.a. "trim your life away").

I'll mention that his film "Sprout" is probably one of the coolest films i've ever watched.

What's cooler is the DVD was given to me by good friend Nolan (college roommate, co-founder of The Wealth Underground Farm), who received the thing from T. Campbell himself while out in S.F. Nolan knew I like Campbell's art and probably realized he wasn't sure if he'd ever be facing a DVD player in his (at the time) near and uncertain future

The film preceeding Sprout was "The Seedling" and most recently he directed "The Present"

September 9, 2009

Recipe: pesto!

Today I made some kickin pesto. It was only kickin, not bangin, I admit. Something about it was bitter. Not sure what was up with that. This is what was in it:

1/4 c. olive oil
1/4 c. pine nuts
3 cloves garlic
2 c. basil, packed
1/4 c. parmesan cheese, grated
1 tsp. lemon juice
(makes 1 cup)

All blended together in that order, basically.

art by Micheal Sieben

A new site I've been lurking through is BOOOOOOOM!--a collection of artists that is continuously growing, faster and faster, in blog format. I was pleased when, two days ago, the site featured artist Michael Sieben. Another guy who is a great influence, who has close ties to the skateboard scene, like Thomas Campbell or Jeremy Fish, to name a few.

Ch-ch-check it out

September 8, 2009

"Out Your Backdoor"

Just stumbled upon this website: OYB (or "Out Your Backdoor"). It's a DIY outdoor adventurer site, a collection of resources and philosophies to promote independent action culture and social creativity. Here's what OYB says about itself:

What is OYB? -- An HQ for Indie Outdoor Action
Hi, I'm Jeff Potter and I herd the cats here. OYB has been celebrating thrifty independent action culture since 1991, offering 1000+ hard-to-find stories, links, books and goodies (luggage, too!) that offer the Vision Thing that anyone can afford.

Hard times aren't new. They're the base condition for folk culture and social creativity. They can even be voluntary or not noticed. Doing without some consumer "necessities" can be freeing. What's hard for one is just right for another. Simplicity encourages hands-on culture, integration and versatility. Which makes us want to share and celebrate what we've found. But where? Here!

These efforts can sometimes be lonely. Also, it's easy to lose our bearings. So, again, OYB is a place to share what it's like for you and show how we can make it all work together.

Then, too, indie culture is a great good source of sustainable creative reality for anyone, no matter what their situation. Flush times, lean times, it works.

For now, I'll be posting OYB in the "Good Stuff" link list... Enjoy.

September 7, 2009

Late summer planting, transplanting

Yesterday I planted two rows of lettuce and a row of spinach. Honestly, I haven't put any thought into harvest times and frost threats but figure there might be some edibles out of it. To be even more honest, I planted the seeds mostly because I had an empty spot in the garden and wanted to fill it in.

My sole surviving kale seedling is pulling through and struggling to live. I'm giving it extra special attention and hope to let it get pretty big before planting it outside. Maybe a few more weeks.

I also severely pruned back one of our 3 thyme plants as they have all been getting super lankey. It was apparent that the low and thick woody stuff had some green leaves poking out, so I figured those would just become new branches. 

In my front yard I bit the bullet and moved my small (~3 ft) redbud treelet this morning. Last night I dumped about 4 gallons of water on it to get the roots saturated. Plus we got some rain after sunrise. A lot of the roots were pretty exposed but I gave it about 4 more gallons of water and tamped the dirt down pretty well. I also added some composted cow manure for extra "umph", and mulch on the top to keep the soil moist. We'll see how it lives. I had to move it because I planted it too close to our walkway.

September 6, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Fix Up

OMG. Brandi Lee posted up the best mash up ever: Dizzie Rascal's "Fix Up Look Sharp" over Cindy Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." I reblogged it over at the Pete Swain tumblr (

Freaking love long holiday weekends. Like a snow day with warm weather.

Got some stuff done today including planting more lettuce, spinach, and cilantro. c made pizza with homemade pizza sauce, fresh tomatoes, and homegrown basil. earlier i made salsa with fresh tomatoes, homegrown hot peppers, and fresh cilantro.

Bought a rack for the back of my bike (Fuji) yesterday morning. Hoping to buy some panniers for each side to aid in aspirational grocery runs.

That's all for now. Much love, good life

September 2, 2009

2 years

C and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary last night. It was pretty low key and simple, but it turned out so much nicer than I expected. We dropped Aldy the Pup off at J's house and went to a favorite Greek restaurant downtown. Dinner was really good, if not great, and peaceful as the place was surprisingly not busy. After that we walked over to visit our brother-in-law, M, who was working at a nearby restaurant, so he could get a piece of our celebration. We hung out with J and the dogs for a while longer then made it home to finish the evening watching some of our "stories" and eating ice cream. Bam. Easy does it. Two years down.

I guess I can't really say that it seems like our wedding was yesterday, but the time has gone quickly, and my love and attraction to C is as fresh as it was the first day I met her. I regret not doing more, because I really think C deserves the world, but life has been busy for us both and we were both ready to enjoy the evening despite anything.

In case you were wondering, if I were to have gotten a gift, it should have been something of cotton.