Recently, Lowell's Toyota of Lexington, Kentucky, purchased two bikes to be made available to customers that may be waiting on a car repair. This idea is the brainchild of expert technician Keith Shelburne (pictured above on right). Keith explains his idea like this: "Any waiting customer that would like can take advantage of the use of one of the bikes. To go shopping, go home, go to work, eat, or just take a nice, enjoyable ride while their car is being serviced. Something new to try. I got the idea when i saw a customer drop off his car then take his bike off and away he went." You can see a write up in the store's online newsletter,
This idea is innovative and progressive in several ways:
1. It allows customers to experience an alternative form of transportation, get exercise, and travel efficiently without polluting the air.
2. It gives those customers a healthy and environmentally-friendly option for getting around town while they wait for their car repair so that they can potentially stimulate the local economy by visiting nearby businesses.
3. It involves a higher level of trust between customer and business which will strengthen the bond of the community.
4. It dismisses the myth that automobile drivers and cyclists cannot coexist, or that cyclists aren't also drivers and vice versa.
I'm sure you might think of many other ways, but this is what I came up with off the top of my head.
Overall, this idea instills hope in those of us who want to see more bicycles on the road, stronger relationships between small businesses and local consumers, and creative solutions to break through the stagnant way of being which our misguided society has reached.
(P.S. Keith is my uncle!)
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