August 15, 2008

Shout-out + Re-vision

Reviewing yesterday's post I had one of those smack-my-own-forehead moments of self-disapproval; I failed to send out a very public "Happy Birthday" to my dad. He turned 51 yesterday! Also, a point worthy of note, C will be turning a very beautiful 25-years old tomorrow. I will admit, the dread inside is growing as I really don't want her to be disappointed in her special day. She deserves the world and I want to be the one to give it to her, on a silver platter. Or a polka-dotted one if she would like it.

Speaking of C, she and I had an interesting discussion yesterday about jobs, the economy, and our parallel vision of the Good Life. I don't want to give away any secrets, but I would care to say that I feel very good about the future, which will hopefully include checking-off most of the items on that list I wrote up in high-school... Nothing is very certain, and some of our radical ideas are in a very primitive stage, but I realized C has the imagination to create a better life and I'm on board. I also realized that since high school I've not "stepped outside the box," and have found myself in a stream that might be carrying me away from the original ideals that originally inspired me. The Good Life--which I'm apparently NOT living--seems more feasible than ever and it's within reach. I just need to accept the challenge and take the leap. [and I don't mean "plunge" here!]

Say word?

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