This is the page I submitted at the end of high school for the compilation of my senior class' "Senior Wills." I suspect the whole student-organized publication was more relevant to the high school fraternity and sorority which both included underclassman members to whom advice and inside jokes could be passed. Either way, I felt like I could leave a mark or make a lasting impression on my peers by listing out goals based on certain ideals I had been cultivating during my last years in high school. I realize now my page comes off a little self-righteous, but that wasn't my entire intention. Maybe I hoped more to inspire others than I cared to publicize my pretentiousness. These thoughts were fertilized by the writings of authors such as Wendell Berry (esp. The Unsettling of America) and the Nearings' Living the Good Life. At the time I was getting into self-reliance, subsistence and sustainable living, and voluntary simplicity. Real hippie shit. I also wanted to create a page that stood out from all the other boring pages of inside-the-box, word-processor typed paragraphs.
Long explanation short: I found my copy of Senior Wills whilst cleaning out old stuff from my mom's house. I decided to keep this as a measuring stick of what goals or ideals I've kept with me over the past 6 years, and what I might keep as future goals. Click on the photo for a bigger version you might be able to read.
There are many goals on that list I haven't accomplished yet, but I was pretty impressed that I had completed several, including the ability to touch my toes [periodically].
If I could I would change this sentence: "If anything, find LOVE, PEACE, and HAPPINESS" to say "If anything, make LOVE, PEACE, and HAPPINESS." As I've been told, happiness is not an end, it's a path.
This is the best! I love it.
ReplyDeleteWhat you failed to mention (and what further demonstrates your pretentiousness) is that when you found your giant book of senior wills, this is the only one you cared to save :) Whusup?!
ReplyDeleteStill, I like this because it serves as a good testament to who you are; it's pretty awesome (1) that you had such well formed goals for yourself at such a young age, and (2) that you've actually accomplished some of them, or are still actively pursuing others. I knew there was a reason I married you.
You know, for the most part, it seems as though you've got all of this under control. What an inspiration!