October 1, 2009

More music! fifteen: "lucky"

Pretty different, not what comes to mind when you think of punk music, but probably the most radical music I've ever heard. When I was in high school I decided my future life would be like what these songs were about. This album was super influential and helped form a lot of my ideas about family, jobs, land/small farms/gardening, cars, the environment, pollution... Crazy revolutionary. One song ("My Congressmen") even describes, step-by-step, how to sterilize a needle so an addict can avoid contracting/spreading disease in areas without needle exchange programs. Say what? Holy crap. This band is what's up.
If you've ever heard this band, write a comment about them (did you experience such an influence? did you hate it?). If this is the first time you are listening to it, what do you think? Leave a comment.
(P.S. To listen to each full song, click on the link "Lucky" at the top left corner--this will open up a new window where you can listen to the full songs for the whole album)


1 comment:

  1. Fifteen rocks! They have such compelling lyrics. They very are inspiring for anyone who is socially conscious. Their music isn't typical punk, but its grade-a stuff. My favorite song, Stolen Away, tells the story of 2 people whos lives were taken by the police, and the media glosses over the tragedy, justifying the murders for idiotic reasons.
