October 7, 2009

What's good

Sorry if this blog is getting boring. I've been super busy at work (which means decrease time on the internet - ha) and kinda busy at home.

What's good is I'm preparing myself for a bike camping trip this weekend. 130 miles round trip, between Columbus and Yellow Springs. Not sure why I think I can make it, but should be a blast with 5 or 6 people I don't know but hope are cool. Forecast is dry, but Saturday night should be down to 35-degrees "F" (think four-letter word). Fortunately my sleeping bag is rated to 25-degrees "F". Saturday is also the Yellow Springs Street Fair which we'll hopefully get to enjoy--my father-in-law will be there selling wood things, alongside C and my sister- & bro-in-law.
This is my packing list:

Rear Rack: sleeping bag, sleeping pad (borrowed from brother), a bundle of extra clothes (long-sleeve wool shirt, wool socks, long underwear, jeans?) rolled into a waterproof coat

Saddle Bag (hanging from bike seat): toothbrush/paste, glasses, "energy beans" (2 packs), cliff bars (2), spare tire tube, tire tube patch kit... wallet?

Front Rack: ??? (Maybe this is where I'll stash my bundle of clothes)

Plus: water bottle, gloves, arm warmers?
We plan on getting food along the way, and someone is bringing a huge tent for everyone to sleep in.

Not sure I'll have a camera, but hopefully someone will be taking photos...

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